
Stop in for a Reiki Session

We offer hands-on and Distance Reiki Sessions at Spice of Life Herbs at no cost; love offerings are accepted. Sessions are available by walk-in or by appointment.

We also offer Reiki Classes.

What is Reiki?

If you are new to Reiki we hope you will attend  one of our Reiki Circles to experience Reiki first hand.

Reiki is Divine Life Force Energy that relaxes, balances and places the body in the perfect state from which the body can activate its own self-healing capabilities and begin working towards a ‘wellness consciousness’. Reiki is spiritual rather than religious in nature, making it useful to peoples of all religions or of none. It is a living, intelligent energy that affects all of the energy layers of your being, including the physical body.

Reiki’s benefits include:

  • deep relaxation
  • clearing
  • stress reduction
  • emotional  clarity
  • pain reduction
  • accelerated recovery from surgery or injury

Reiki also encourages spiritual growth, healing of relationships and manifestation of goals. The energy of Reiki is infinitely wise and knows exactly what it is we need, whether it be deep relaxation, stress relief, release of harmful thoughts or habits, or the activation of the healing power within us. Reiki can be received through a Reiki practitioner by either a hands-on treatment or a distance session. During a hands-on Reiki session, the recipient remains fully clothed while the practitioner places their hands on or slightly above the recipient’s energy centers so the Reiki energy can flow into the person.

Each person feels Reiki energy in their own unique way, but generally a treatment will leave the recipient feeling extremely relaxed and at peace, with the subtle energy layers around their bodies balanced and the vitality of their physical body increased. This is the perfect setting for the body to begin physical self-healing, to heal relationships with others, to manifest goals and to enhance spiritual development and growth. The longer we can stay in this perfect state of being; the more our health, happiness and ability to live our lifes purpose will increase.